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Al Bakiyye Grammar and Literature ᒍ ᒍ≾Ɲ..↾Ḷ⟓৬ ᛠᒍБᒍГ๛ ⱱ ГȪ⊲Ċ৬ᓬƝ (El lesen-i Bakiyye telbelgesin ve gökçeyazin) - Al Bakiyye Grammar and Literature |
What is Al Bakiyye Language? (Й ჰŧ ᒍ Ḷ⟓৬ ᒍ≾Ɲ⥙) Al Bakiyye is artificial language. This language system is like Ural-Altay language family. Al Bakiyye has a special alphabet and letter system. There are a lot of words from Turkish, Orkhun, Arabic, Persian, English, German, etc. Al Bakiyye Alphabet hat total 65 characters. There are 3 special literature type for this language; Thanksgiving Diary, Damlahatnâme, begs to Lord. It has also 3 writing styles; Computer writing, handwriting and figûrat (Caliography).
Й ჰŧ ᒍ Ḷ⟓≾. ᒍ≾Ɲ⥙ (Nû ist el bakiyye lesang) - Whats is the Al Bakiyye Language? |