Al Bakiyye Grammar and Literature
ᒍ ᒍ≾Ɲ..↾Ḷ⟓৬ ᛠᒍБᒍГ๛ ⱱ ГȪ⊲Ċ৬ᓬƝ (El lesen-i Bakiyye telbelgesin ve gökçeyazin)
This book has many infos and details about the Al Bakiyye Language which is artificial language from turkish languages. The main expression language is English. We will try to teach to you the Al Bakiyye language.

Whats is the Al Bakiyye Language? 

Al Bakiyye is a artificial language. The origin of this language is ural-altay language family. It can be find many words from Turkish languages like Turkish, azerice, tatarca, uygurca, göktürkçe, kırgızca, türkmence, özbekçe, moğolca, osmanlıca etc. With out these there are many words from Persian and arabic too. This language is developed as adornment and beautification. We want to save the all beautiful words and rules. For that we developed this artificial language with besondere alphabet. ᒍ Ḷ⟓৬ (El Bakiyye) is written as “Al Bakiyye” in English or German. Many words are from Turkish languages, Persian and Arabic. Also there are many words from German, English, French, Mongol, Anatolian languages and concise Mesopotamian languages. 

Beyond that this language is developed due to the creator wants so. 

Al Bakiyye has got a special alphabet which has 65 letter. It has got also specific literatures; Damlahatname, Yazlam and gratitude journal. 

There are 3 writing style of this language;

  • Handwriting

  • Figurat - Calligraphy

  • Computer writing


Al Bakiye (Husnu hat-ı bakiye) means “beautiful written language of immortality”. ৬ (i-yye) means belonging, loyalty. Also it can be used "bakisch" for the Al Bakiyye. 

Main Features of Al Bakiyye Language

  • All stamps (letter) have unique reading and usage area.

  • There is no difference as uppercase - lowercase.

  • It is written from left to right. It can written from top to down in Calligraphy writing. 

  • Sentence sequence is free. Only it has to obey “to be + main verb” rules. To Be has to be every time before from the main verb. 

For Example: Today we will go to school. 

Ḷ Г❞ ϢરƆ Г@⥌CĴБᓬ ᒍӬ ↓ØЭ.

Reading: buguen werde gategegjbiz la oqqoul’a.

  • There are 2 types to be; [ჰŧ - , Ϣર, ഥ (ist, war, dır)].

  • There are 6 articles; [৬-I,  ᒍӬ, ᒍ,  ⧽, ..↾ (Ya-Ay, Lâ, El-Ol, İ-Yi)].

  • There is no difference between the articles like German Languages. They have only function and phenomenon.

  • There is not gender discrimination in personal pronouns like European Languages. It is used only “⧽” (Ol) for “he, she, it”. 

  • There are a personal pronoun and some grammar rules for the creator - god. That is “て” (Hay). 

  • There are 8 Nominative Case. 

  • There is a positive-negative-question structure. 

    • Negative: It is used in name sentences “ƆGᒍ” (değel). For Example: Ḷ ƆGᒍ ৬ᓬλ. (Bu degyel yazangc) EN: That is not a pen.

    • Negative: It is used in verb sentences “ᕴ↓” (yok) or as additional “M⥌” (-me, -ma). For example:  ⧽ ᕴ↓ ГᒍMЭ⟓ (Ol yoq gelmeak). or ⧽ ГᒍM⥌MЭ⟓ (Ol gelmemek). EN: He/She/It does not come. 

  • There are tense difference. 

  • There are many types words which are added to the end of the words or head of the words.

  • There are sequential token letters; (⥙ - λ)

  • There are some letters without the main letters; (k M̃ ❞ 〟° ʷ )

  • It usually is not written the vowels.

English: Al Bakiyye Grammar and Literature
Deutsch: Al Bakiyye Grammatik und Literatur
Kategori: About Al Bakiyye | Yazar: jungnet (24.08.2019) | Yazar: ᒍ ᒍ≾Ɲ..↾Ḷ⟓৬ ᛠᒍБᒍГ๛ ⱱ ГȪ⊲Ċ৬ᓬƝ E W
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